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Georges Perec
100 Years of the Best American Short Stories
Lorrie Moore
A Naked Singularity
Sergio de la Pava
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
Milan Kundera
Alasdair Gray
Steve Erickson
The Lunatic
Anthony C. Winkler
Jeffrey Eugenides
Life is Elsewhere
Milan Kundera
The Hours
Michael Cunningham
Douglas Coupland
The Ruins of Us
Keija Parssinen
María Fernanda Ampuero
A Man in Full
Tom Wolfe
The Great Passage
Shion Miura
The Corrections
Jonathan Franzen
Preparation for the Next Life
Atticus Lish
The Virgin Suicides
Jeffrey Eugenides
The Virgin Suicides
Jeffrey Eugenides
Preparation For The Next Life
Atticus Lish
The Great Passage
Shion Miura
Day of the Oprichnik
Vladimir Sorokin
The Child in Time
Ian McEwan
Tollesbury Time Forever
Stuart Ayris